Blog Posts

Updated: Rakofsky: Is Internet Mobbing A Tort?

Welcome: I'm the "deep and progressive thinker" you linked to. I also have a pony tail. And, what's worst of all, I think Rakofsky's claims are pretty interesting. But then again, I turned my card in to the guildmasters on the blawgosphere long ago.
Joseph Rakofsky made a little money this...

Jose Baez: When Farce Becomes Reality

Live long enough and the line between reality and farce becomes blurred: If we can imagine something happening, reality has a way of overtaking our fancy, and presenting as fact that which we conceived of simply as an entertaining possibility. Consider the case of State v. Casey Anthony, and the...

Mr. Rakofsky's Professional Suicide -- And Time I'll Never Get Back

Engagement is the key to success for those looking to make a lasting impression in the electronic world. Link to others, comment on their comments, talk nice about them in what you write, do all this and, well ... what exactly? I’ve never quite understood the dynamics of it all. What’s...

Rakofsky v, Blawgosphere: Who'll Blink First?

The conventional wisdom is to advise a client contemplating a defamation action against filing suit unless he is sure he can withstand the scrutiny of an angry adversary. Claiming a damaged reputation is a risky thing to do if your reputation is already questionable. Besides, merely...

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