Satire Anyone? Check Out

Victories in the war on sexophrenic hysteria are few and far between. The fight, however, is eternal. Those of you in need for a little satire to lighten the load are encourage to check out the following web site:

Warning: The material posted there isn't for everyone. You need humor, mature sensitbilities, and ability to understand that not everything that goes bump in the night is a monster. In sum, you need enough spirit to laugh amid the tears.

A foretaste? How about a post that carries the following headline? "There isn't enough bloodin the humanbody for a man to have an erection and think straight at the same time?" I wonder if that means the goofballs enacting wave after wage of legislation regarding so-called sex-offensives have erections. Certainly, they aren't thinking straight.

Haat tip: GB

Also listed under: Sex Offenders and Justice


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