
A little more than a week ago, I wrote about the glacial pace of things in the District Court of Connecticut. I wrote about it in the context of President Obama's nomination of United States District Court Judge Robert N. Chatigny to the Second Circuit.

Here's what I wrote:

"But Chatigny did serve as chief judge of the District for a good many years. During this period, there was murmuring about the District's "plan". All cases were to be trial ready within 18 months. The plan failed. All we got was a requirement for planning reports, teleconferences and "judicial management," an oxymoron. More make work and still long delays. Trials are vanishing, motion practice has increased. Delay is still the norm."

Since that piece appeared, I have received four rulings on motions and or appeals -- four. Perhaps it is mere serendipity. Or perhaps folks are pitching in to help a friend. Whatever it is, I am grateful to have a logjam break.


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