Help Wanted -- Looking for a Gutsy Young Lawyer

I keep hearing about lawyers looking for work. Take note, then. Here is a help-wanted notice. 

I am looking to hire a new associate. 

My firm handles state and federal criminal defense at the trial and appellate levels. We also litigate post-conviction claims, employment discrimination and first amendment claims, and select police misconduct cases. In recent years, the cops we have cross-examined have started coming to us with their troubles: we represent a lot of public employees in their disputes with employers. From time to time, we also litigate high-conflict divorce cases. We also represent lawyers facing disciplinary proceedings.

We are all about the management of conflict.

Recent wins include a state Supreme Court ruling challenging the state’s disbanding of the Bridgeport school board, keeping Occupy New Haven on the Green by way of emergency federal court orders, dismissal of murder charges, and dismissal of child sex charges. 

We have offices in Bethany and New Haven, Connecticut. I was recently admitted in the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York, and intend on spending more time in New York in the near future. We have a diverse case load throughout Connecticut; select cases out of state.

The ideal candidate is a recent law graduate with superior writing skills capable of working under pressure. Expect to be in court most days, while balancing briefing, client counseling and the handling of discovery in civil cases.

The pay is so-so, but the opportunity to try cases and argue in state and federal appellate courts is immediate. Must be admitted to the bar in Connecticut. A sense of humor is mandatory; an appreciation of the tragic sense of life preferable; the ability to shake the dust off your feet and walk away from the crowd is a must.

Contact me at my email address if you are looking for work. I intend to hire immediately:



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