Blog Posts

Shunning: Confessions of an Ego Surfer

I've been hearing the sound of one hand clapping for the past couple of weeks, and was prepared to ignore it. But I've never been good at walking away from controversy. I suppose that is why I gravitated to the law.
Blogging has become second nature to me. I do it because I am proud and like it...

Gerry Darrow's Opening Remarks Before Senate Panel

Senator Leahy, Senator Sessions, other members of this committee, my name is Gerry Darrow, and I am here today to answer your questions. I won't evade or hide any inconvenient truth or attitude from you or the American people. But before I answer your questions, I have a few for you. The mere...

Darrow Promised "Frank Talk" At Confirmation Hearing

Supreme Court nominee Gerry Darrow held a surprise press conference this afternoon, bidding reporters to "Ask me anything." Across town, co-nominee Elena Kagan, was hidden away from the press with White House handlers, in preparation for the confirmation hearings set to begin Monday before the...

In re: Tony Tamburello: Are We Supposed To Lose Some Cases?

I hate losing a trial. Period. Put me in front of a jury and I am competitive. I want to win. I'd cross-examine God if I could find him. Mother Theresa? She's a free loader. Yeah, sure, the wages of sin may be death, but I want those wages paid with interest when they're due. Even a junkyard dog...

Updated: So Long To The Torporsphere

It happens everywhere and without fail. A group forms, and someone decides that rules are necessary. Jesus loved the world, then along came the Church. Before you know it, a religion of universal love drew lines between the saved and the damned, the orthodox and the heretic. I accept that anarchism...

The Importance Of Wax In Your Ears: The Blawgosphere

Mike Cernovich is hanging out at my house for a week. He comes out to Connecticut from the left coast every so often to help with briefing. But the real purpose of his visit is to talk. Mike, of Crime and Federalism fame, is a young guy, but he is precocious. One might even say wise. In any case, I...

Westlaw Redux

A few days ago I posted about my decision to fire Westlaw. I've had inquiries from all over the country since then. It turns out I am not alone. Plenty of folks feel hooked on Westlaw. They also feel that the pusher has grown unresponsive. When it comes to its billing practices, the company is run...

Whitlock's Farm Booksellers

My wife and I own one of New England's oldest bookstores, Whitlock Farm Booksellers, or the Book Barns, in Bethany. The shop has been operating out of two barns in a rural area since 1949. Of course, neither my wife nor I had any business buying a bookstore. But we both love books and we love to...

Advocates, Counsellors, Masters of Shadows

I once stood on the courthouse steps with a man about to go to trial. It was many years ago. "You are confusing me," he told me. "You keep telling me I should settle, but you are willing to fight." When I tried to explain that being both counsellor and advocate was part of the job, be didn't get...

Much Ado About The Same Old Stuff: This Time The "Slackoisie"

The most interesting drill I ever saw at Gerry Spence's trial lawyer's college was the so-called milling exercise. This was a form of group dynamics that taught an important lesson: Strength is not chest-thumping. Silent laws transform strangers into a pack with discernible roles. They are laws...

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