In re: Wayne Keeney. Wow

This just in. It speaks for itself, and it speaks of improbable hope redeemed.

Miracles happen. This morning at about 3:00 a.m., the surgeon at Yale-New Haven Hospital, Dr. Sukru Emre, accepted a donor liver for my husband Wayne Keeney. At 6:00 a.m., Wayne underwent transplan t surgery! This was nothing short of miraculous: Yesterday, absent a liver donor, we were following a recommendation to transport Wayne by air ambulance on a three-hour trip to a hospital in the south. We hoped an organ might become available for him soon there, rather than face the prospect of an indefinite and perhaps fatal wait for an organ in Connecticut. This ambulance trip posed some risk to Wayne, given his critical medical state: His liver was failing and now causing damage and failure of other organ systems in his body. We were willing to take the risk of transport: There is a severe shortage of organs in Connecticut and Wayne had a desperate medical need. We prayed that a donor liver somehow might become available here to avoid that trip. As you know, I made a plea that this might happen by directed donorship.

Then, yesterday, a 49 year-old man lost his life in Maine. I know nothing else about him except that he was an organ donor and, with his death, he brought the gift of life to my husband. I am so deeply grateful to that 49 year-old donor for his generosity of spirit in making that profound gift. I am so grateful also to the staff at Yale-New Haven Hospital for their swift and decisive action in acting to obtain that donated organ. I am grateful and heartened by the outpouring of prayer and support for Wayne and for me from so many friends and colleagues and numerous unknown individuals. I can only say thank you and ask you to, please, help me to do something effective to conquer the organ shortage problem in this region and nationwide.

Wayne made it through this long and arduous surgery today thanks to Dr. Emre, who is a brilliant surgeon known throughout the world. Wayne’s recovery has been my overarching concern today as it will be tomorrow and in the days to come. We ask for your continued support in the process of Wayne’s restoration. Reaching out in faith has brought us many blessings. If there is something you might need help with, I would encourage you to reach out to me and to others!

Thank you all again.

Valerie Maze Keeney and Wayne R. Keeney

Comments: (1)

  • Since Wayne certainly had no more credits with the...
    Since Wayne certainly had no more credits with the Big Guy in the sky, he clearly has his wife to thank.
    Posted on September 4, 2010 at 8:50 am by Lindy Urso

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