Blog Posts

Why Criminal Defense Lawyers Are Necessary

My client was convicted yesterday of seven counts of crimes he says he did not commit. I believe my client. Of course, only he and the complaining witness really know what what down, if anything. A jury convicted as it chose to believe the young woman.
Should I have not waived closing argument...

New Blog: Defending Sex Crimes

The barriers to entry into the blawgosphere are perishingly low, so forgive me for starting another blog. This one will be devoted to sex offenses and the defense of those accused of them. Here's the link, and the first post:
A Sexophrenic...

Someone Needs A Playmate

I am receiving multiple emails a day from a person signing on as "Jim" or "RADIOFREEWYO." I don't read them any longer, but the writer is obsessed with me, with the Trial Lawyers College, with Gerry Spence, with Scott at Simple Justice, and with a bunch of miscellaneous chatter. I've suggested he...

Say What? Big Brother's Lists A-OK?

Ken Krayeske is a political activist. He is outspoken. He is brash. And, insofar as Connecticut law enforcement is concerned, he is marked man. Guess what? That's just fine and dandy, according to a recent ruling by a United States District Judge.
Krayeske actively supported Green Party...

Sunday Rumination: To TLC Or Not?

The poll results are in: Just under half of those responding believe that I should continue to post about the Trial Lawyers College. I'm tempted, but I am going to say "no thanks."
First, even if the poll reflects some broader reality, a dubious proposition given the fact that the comments...

Hacker Alert!

Well, I knew I'd stirred a hornet's nest by writing about the Trial Lawyers College. But refraining from writing has stirred an even bigger nest, and attracted this blog's first hacker.
I received a note today from an apparently friendly alum asking why I had seen the need to label a certain...

Chatter, Chatter. What's The Matter?

Is the Internet killing meaningful communication?
Today's New York Times book review contains an essay written by Ben Yagoda on John Freeman's The Tyranny of E-Mail: The Four-Thousand-Year Journey to Your Inbox. One line from the review leaped out at me: Email "is an instantaneous, demanding,...

My Blog, My Editorial Decisions

I have an anonymous reader who in recent days has posted dozens of times. I stopped publishing him or her when it became apparent the person pressed some sort of existential rewind button and was sending messages with the same theme over and over again. For the life of me, I cannot figure out what...

TLC: The Final Word

When I walked off the ranch ten years ago it was because I found the benefits associated with attending Trial Lawyers College events as a staff member to be outweighed by all the baggage associated with attendance: People wanted things I did not understand and I was spending far more time...

TLC: Another Source

Snarkdom has found its way into the comments section of this blog as regards the Trial Lawyers College and Gerry Spence. We have a new anonymous writer obsessed with me. It is to the point that when I pass gas the poor fellow, or gal, gets an ear ache. In TLC-speak, the writer has given up his...

© Norm Pattis is represented by Elite Lawyer Management, managing agents for Exceptional American Lawyers
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