The Judas Iscariot Sentencing Argument

Only rarely have I been able to use the Judas Iscariot sentencing argument. I did so today. My client was found guilty of murder, and faces a maximum of 60 years. There is little doubt he will get every bit of that, given the fact that he faces many other charges of attempted murder and conspiracy to commit murder.

So rather than bend a knee and request mercy, we took a "bring it on" posture.

After the jury left the room, the judge asked about a sentencing date.

"We're anxious to take an appeal, Judge," I said.

"Considering this verdict," I continued, "I am mindful of what Jesus said to Judas Iscariot on the night he was betrayed: `What thou doest, do quickly.' We want immediate sentencing."

The judge, a former West Point man, looked puzzled.

"What do you propose?" he asked.

"How about this afternoon?" I replied.

All we had left to lose at this point was pride.

Sentencing will take place in four weeks.


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