Blog Posts

Twitting and Flitting Away Time, Byte by Byte

The New York Times reports that the Internet is making us stupid. Perhaps that is so. It certainly has undermined my productivity, and I am taking steps today to right that.
About two months ago, I finally succumbed and opened a Twitter account. I wanted to see what all the fuss was. When I...

Scott Greenfield and the On-Line Community

Scott over at Simple Justice and I have been in a pissing match of late. He calls me a self-indulgent whiner; I snipe that he is an anti-social network marketing social network marketer. On and on it goes, where is stops, who the fuck knows. Or cares. I've wearied of his "I am not worthy" cynicism...

Welcome to the State of Nature -- Internet Violence

In the beginning, John Locke once wrote, all the world was America. We now recognize this as an ethnographic conceit. But the point Locke was trying to make remains valid: Before there was government, there was civil society, and before civil society, there was a state of nature. This world without...

I'll Regret This Internecine Squabble, But ...

I set about blogging with all the wrong moves. In 2005, I was a columnist for a Connecticut legal newspaper, where I had written for five years. Mike Cernovich and I struck up a friendship. When he called to ask if I wanted to blog with him at Crime and Federalism, I had to ask what a blog was. I...

SEC Trolling The Boudoir And Hiding It?

The Securities and Exchange Commission has elected to pursue a claim against David Zilkha for insider trading, after settling a similar claim against his former employer, Pequot Capital, for a whopping $28 million. The financial press is agog over this turn of events. The investigation of the claim...

Blame My Analyst

A good friend and long-time blogger sent me the following message:
"I've noticed that your posts have changed markedly over the past couple of months. You wax more eloquently, but wax. You've become more self-indulgent. You have become increasingly "sensitive", almost to the point of whiny....

Does Darrow Favor Crime?

Gerry Darrow has never taught at a law school, authored a law review article or given an address to bar groups about his views on the law. In his 17 years as a practitioner, he's been too busy in courts of law representing folks injured in car accidents or accused of crimes to take a broader view...

Greetings To The Thunderhead Crowd

Spring training is underway at the trial lawyer's college founded by famed trial lawyer Gerry Spence. Sixty of so lawyers of varying degrees of talent and experience are now in DuBois, Wyoming, bonding and checking one another out in anticipation of this summer's programs. It's been more than a...

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