Blog Posts

Playing The Race Card In Connecticut

Connecticut takes pride in creation of the nation’s first public defender system. Representation of the indigent accused of crimes is important work. Why, then, does the state seem content to let this proud legacy collapse amid the ugliest sort of squabbling?
In recent...

In re: Proud Boys: To Speak or Not -- A Conundrum

The so-called Proud Boys trial has finally started. A jury of twelve and three alternatives heard a half day of evidence last week. This week, the Government will present as many as a dozen more witnesses. In the weeks to come, a jury will hear evidence about the extent to which, if at all, the...

License Restored, for Now

On the ninth day of jury selection in the case of United States of America v. Joseph Biggs, et al, otherwise known as the Proud Boys insurrection case, my law license was suspended for six months by the same Connecticut judge who presided over the judicial train wreck involving Alex Jones and Sandy...

I'm Now A Suspended Lawyer, So I Am Pulling This Page

As a few snark hunters have noted with glee in comments to posts on this page, I've been suspended from the practice of law for six months. So I am to pulling this blog page, steeped, as it is, in reference to my lawyerly days. (Or, I should say, I've asked my webmaster to pull this page; I am not...

Dean Strang's Sobering View of Clarence Darrow

Some books are so good, you can read them twice, each time with profit. I don't often reread non-fiction, but in the case of Dean Strang's wonderful book about the trial of a group of Milwaukee anarchists in 1917, I did so. Wow, I say. If you care about the law, read this book.
A bomb erupted...

The Unwinding of Ye

I've now viewed Ye's appearance on Alex Jones in it its entirety. (You can view it on Banned.Video; as of this writing, it has been viewed almost 5.3 million times.) Herewith a report.
I won't call the appearance an interview of Ye by Alex; neither will I call it an interview of Alex and...

Ye, Alex Jones and Infowars, Part I

I've listened to about half of the interview of Ye by Alex Jones on Infowars. (It has already been banned from most sites. You can find it on, where, as of this morning, it has been viewed about 4.2 million times.)
I don't know what to make of it.
Alex seems star-struck and...

The Confusing Rhetoric of "White Supremacism"

I keep running into the following in books and articles I read about current affairs. An author writes about critics of a current social policy or tendency, and he characterizes the criticism as "white supremacist." There's something dishonest about the move that I can't quite put my finger...

Rushdie, Fatwas and Cancel Culture

This just may be what comes of the triumphant cry of the warrior who knows but one truth, and who is determined to destroy all those who stand in its way: Salman Rushdie, laying in a pool of blood on a stage at the Chautauqua Institution in upstate New York. He was getting ready to speak to a group...

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