Blog Posts

TLC: Sison To Board, "I Am Not Joane"

Word has it that no one was asked to leave the Trial Lawyers College. All left voluntarilty. I have been provided a copy of the following letter sent to all TLC board members by Fredilyn Sison. It suggests otherwise.

"To the TLC Board of Directors:
"Your president, Jude Basile, called...

Another Tempest In Bysiewicz's Tea Pot

The wonder of it is that anyone is willing to run for public office and serve. That’s my first reaction to the latest scandal to surface in Connecticut politics. I call it “Listgate” because the politician involved has a name that does not lend itself to a cognate jingle.

Shame On Yale University Press

The Winter 2009-2010 edition of Censorship News arrived the other day. The lead articule stunned me. It turns out that Yale University Press lost its nerve and succumbed to fear last summer. It deleted cartoons that Moslems might find offensive. The rationale? The book might stimulate violence...

TLC: The Top Ten Contributors

Who are the top ten donors at the Trial Lawyer's College? As of June 2, 2009, the leaders of the charitable pack are as follows:
1. Paul Luvera, a lifetime grand total of $205,250, with $25,000 contributed thus far this year.
2. Morris Dees, a lifetime total of $125,000. Dees last...

TLC: Oh, No! Not Jo?

The anonymous comments on this blog raise interesting questions: Who is sending them? What agenda is being served in each instance? I often don't comment on anonymous posts. Why bother? But one did catch my eye today.
A writer going by the name "John" raised an interesting point about former...

TLC: A Note To Cheryl Carpenter

Cheryl Carpenter posted a recent comment that bears independent commentary. She asked a simple question: When did I decide to post the material about the Trial Lawyers College finances? Since this question has been begged by those who accuse me of hypocrisy, I respond publicly.
I remain...

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