Blog Posts

Is The Blawgosphere Passe?

History has an uncanny way of repeating itself, especially personal history. In high school, I tried and failed to find a group in which I was comfortable. I was a bad athlete, so the jocks scorned me. The situation in my home was, to say the least, a little chaotic, so I did not study; the nerds...

Going It Alone

I took a younger partner in a while back. He is a brilliant lawyer; a raw talent that requires only time and effort to be burnished into a gem. I took him in and did my best to nourish him. But last week, we parted ways. There's a lesson in that, I suppose. I will learn it when the sorrow...

The Sound Of Silence

My new blog site will up and running tomorrow. I am electing to cease taking public comments. I've also decided to avoid the use of statistical tracking packages. Bottom line? Much though I enjoy writing and hope for readers, the online community is a little too quirky to suit me. I'm not willing...

Programming Note

I will be switching to a new service for publication of this blog in the next couple of days. Among the questions on my mind as I make ready for the switch is whether the comments section to the blog serves any real purpose.
I am aware of the "engage" theory of blogging: encourage comments,...

Blagojevich: Trial, Personality and Justice

I am not sure what the sputtering was all about on the eve of the closing arguments in the Rod Blagojevich trial. United States District Judge James Zagel issued a standard ruling prohibiting the defense from arguing that the government's failure to call certain witnesses damned the government's...

A Few Questions For Gerry Spence

I have a question or two remaining for Gerry Spence. Since he no longer publishes my comments on his blog, I will post them here. (He recently returned to blogging after a hiatus of several months. I shot a note to welcome him back, but the note sits, "awaiting moderation," in Internet oblivion...

A Word Of Encouragment

John Kindley's People v. State is one of my favorite blogs. He's a libertarian of sorts. His page is steeped in the history of anarchism. He is a young lawyer. This is a recipe for heart break, and this morning I read that he is, in fact, heart broken. You see, it is wearing on him to appear in one...

Shunning: Confessions of an Ego Surfer

I've been hearing the sound of one hand clapping for the past couple of weeks, and was prepared to ignore it. But I've never been good at walking away from controversy. I suppose that is why I gravitated to the law.
Blogging has become second nature to me. I do it because I am proud and like it...

The Importance Of Wax In Your Ears: The Blawgosphere

Mike Cernovich is hanging out at my house for a week. He comes out to Connecticut from the left coast every so often to help with briefing. But the real purpose of his visit is to talk. Mike, of Crime and Federalism fame, is a young guy, but he is precocious. One might even say wise. In any case, I...

I'll Regret This Internecine Squabble, But ...

I set about blogging with all the wrong moves. In 2005, I was a columnist for a Connecticut legal newspaper, where I had written for five years. Mike Cernovich and I struck up a friendship. When he called to ask if I wanted to blog with him at Crime and Federalism, I had to ask what a blog was. I...

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