Blog Posts

Greetings To The Thunderhead Crowd

Spring training is underway at the trial lawyer's college founded by famed trial lawyer Gerry Spence. Sixty of so lawyers of varying degrees of talent and experience are now in DuBois, Wyoming, bonding and checking one another out in anticipation of this summer's programs. It's been more than a...

Ten Years A Scribbler

I just spent a long weekend out of town and away from a keyboard. One of my tasks was to look through the 500 or so columns I have written for the Connecticut Law Tribune in the past decade with an eye toward selecting 100 or so to propose to a publisher a volume of collected essays. The experience...

TLC: Sison To Board, "I Am Not Joane"

Word has it that no one was asked to leave the Trial Lawyers College. All left voluntarilty. I have been provided a copy of the following letter sent to all TLC board members by Fredilyn Sison. It suggests otherwise.

"To the TLC Board of Directors:
"Your president, Jude Basile, called...

Ghostwritten Blogs? What's The Fuss?

Blawgosphere purists are in an uproar about the practice of some lawyers who use ghostwriters to write material for their blogs. I don't see what the big deal is. Does anyone really protest when a newspaper prints unsigned editorials? It's the masthead that matters.
I confess to a wayward...

A Season Of Thanks

I moan a lot and rarely speak well of the things I love, at least not in public. It is easier somehow to show a dark streak than it is to share what little light I possess. So I'll try something new here. Let me greet the new year by publicly giving thanks.
First and foremost: I have a...

Gates v. Crowley: Two Losers In Heat

I've taken a good part of the Summer off this year. No blogging. Little news reading. But I'm back in the saddle now, and saddled with the sad, sad spectacle of Gates v. Crowley. How this garden variety dispute became transformed into national news is beyond me.
First, some fundamentals:...

Guest Post: Must-See TV

Some time ago I was asked to consider publishing a guest-written piece. I am sure doing so breaks someone's idea of proper blogging. I have no idea about such norms and even less of an inclination to care about the blobocracy. Besides, this piece is about television. We own two. But all I watch is...

A Change In Perspective

I got an email the other day from a regular reader. She noted that another legal blogger had written about his apparent disappointment that I had not linked to his blog. Sure enough, someone wrote that I didn't think his blog was "good enough" to link to mine. A small pebble was dropped. The...

© Norm Pattis is represented by Elite Lawyer Management, managing agents for Exceptional American Lawyers
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