Blog Posts

Law and Oncology

I’ve become preoccupied lately with the education of young doctors. Doctors must be better equipped than lawyers to deal with death and diseases. Nature fails us all in the end; doctors cope with the consequences.

Lawyers also deal with life transforming, and, sometimes, life...

Is The Law Social Oncology?

A former law partner used to say that the practice of law is really social oncology: Criminal defense and civil rights lawyers spend their time dealing with things that just don't fit within a well-functioning social organism. A man accused of murder represents an aggressive malignancy; a person...

To Plead Or Not To Plead?

It was a close call this morning. My client was accused of sexually abusing a minor by digitally penetrating her vagina. The child was five at the time. She claims it happened; my client denied it. There was no physical evidence to corroborate the child's claim. So we prepared for trial.

© Norm Pattis is represented by Elite Lawyer Management, managing agents for Exceptional American Lawyers
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