Blog Posts

Hey, Twitter! F@ck You!

Oh, to be a digital overlord, a master of the social media universe, occupying an office at Twitter, or Facebook, or Google. The money just keeps rolling in. You get to decide what to publish or not with impunity. You’re the owner of a monopoly so big even governments cower at the...

A Wasteful Bar Disciplinary Process

A remarkable story appeared in the Connecticut legal press last week, but its significance appears to have been missed both by the editors and by those quoted in the story. “Hundreds” of unprocessed complaints against lawyers are awaiting attention in the offices of...

Memo To Angela Alvarado: The Constitution Has Not Been Suspended

One of the most startling emails I received during the current pandemic involved a class action lawsuit on behalf of inmates in a midwestern federal prison. The ACLU wanted prisoners released on a compassionate basis due to the threat of infection. What shocked me was that obesity was a...

"Plandemic," Too Dangerous To Watch? Says Who?

I guess I missed the chance to watch Judy Mikovits’s Plandemic, a 26-minute video viewed more than 8 million times on Facebook and YouTube. That’s because censors on Facebook and YouTube took it down because it contains what The New York Times called “baseless”...

The General Strike Theory of the Pandemic: Blame John Rawls?

New York’s Gov. Andrew Cuomo earned high marks early in the pandemic for declaring that he would not put a value on human life, and that he would spare no cost to save every life. Of course, he didn’t really mean it. He couldn’t mean it. Life is risk, and, sad but...

AI, Criminal Responsibility and the Black Box Problem

In the last post in this series, Alexa made you happy, wealthy and safe, but by means you might not have foreseen. Your worst enemy was mauled in a traffic accident, one million dollars appeared in your bank account, and you lay strapped to a gurney with a morphine drip.

The Loss of Legitimacy -- Dystopian Jitters, IV

The pandemic has revealed the fault lines in American politics, we’re told. That’s probably true. Herewith a decidedly dystopian snapshot. Simply put, our communal ties are frayed, perhaps irreparably.
Cicero observed that a republic, or commonwealth, was...

Can Alexa Break The Criminal Law?

Artificial intelligence, that is, the ability of a computer to learn and either to augment or to replace human activity presents profound legal challenges for the criminal law. What to do when your computer assists you in accomplishing a goal, and the result turns out to be a violation...

AI's Promise -- Augmenting Human Creativity

I am convinced that I am an artificial intelligence alarmist for the same reason that I like dystopian and apocalyptic literature. What I don’t understand is why the secret hope for catastrophe. The current pandemic has certainly called my bluff. Be careful what you wish for, I...

© Norm Pattis is represented by Elite Lawyer Management, managing agents for Exceptional American Lawyers
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